"The article aims to clarify the Superblocks concept through an e-Delphi process and test the theoretical framework against ongoing implementations in Vienna and Berlin. Experts’ opinions show that the concept has retained transformational capacity.
In practice, however, we can observe conceptual ambiguity and slow implementation, subjugated to political constraints. The article discusses how these discrepancies might affect the ability of Superblocks to contribute to systemic transitions."
Research article about key results from the TuneOurBlock project, authored by Tiran et. al. with LAUT's Florian Lorenz as contributing author.
Open access paper in the Urban Research & Practice, 1–23.
"Die Ergebnisse des Projekts TuneOurBlock zeigen, dass Superblocks eine zentrale Rolle für die nachhaltige Transformation urbaner Räume spielen können. Trotz einer dynamischen Entwicklung in vielen europäischen Städten in den vergangenen Jahren bleibt dieser Ansatz jedoch insgesamt bisher noch marginal. Um die Ziele einer klimaangepassten, sozial gerechten und ökologisch tragfähigen urbanen Mobilität zu erreichen, müssten die Städte Superblocks zum „neuen Normal“ erklären und in großem Maßstab umsetzen."
Final project publication of the TuneOurBlock project. Published via project Partner German Institute for Urbanism – DIFU, authored by the TuneOurBlock consortium.
Open Download the brochure from the German Institute of Urbanism -DIFU (page in German)
In-depth story about Superblock projects in Vienna.
Direct link to publication via relevant magazine website (German)
"This article investigates experiments with superblocks in Vienna (Austria) from initial discussion to the first experimental implementation. (...)
In the course of implementing the first superblock experiment in Vienna, the discursive reframing of superblocks as a redistributive intervention, which we could trace through the interviews, resulted in implementing the pilot project in a district with the most beneficial sustainability outcomes."
Research article by Brenner et. al. with LAUT's Florian Lorenz and Georg Wieser as contributing authors.
Open access paper in the Journal of Transport Geography, Volume 116, April 2024, 103862
"This paper reviews key aspects of the Superblock model, its implementation and initial evaluations in Barcelona and the potential international uptake of the model in Europe and globally, focusing on environmental, climate, lifestyle, liveability and health aspects."
Review article by Nieuwenhuijsen et. al. with LAUT's Florian Lorenz as one contributing author.
Open access paper in the journal Environmental Research, Volume 251, Part 1, 15 June 2024, 118550
Article in th Austrian magazine Wohnen Plus about superblocks and the example of Supergrätzl Favoriten as an Austrian-wide pilot project. Author: Robert Temel
Read the full Wohnen Plus magazine on "Supergrätzl und Stadtquartier"
Profile of the project Supergrätzl Favoriten in Original Magazin. Author: Susanne Wolf
"Smart Story" about the Supergrätzl Favoriten project in this series published by the Austrian Climate and Energy Fund (Klima- und Energiefonds). Author: Susanne Wolf
Project report for the pilot study Supergrätzl Volkertviertel commissioned by the City of Vienna and conducted in 2020-2021. The report was published in spring 2023 after a lengthy court case claimed its publication.
Find the report online at the Vienna City Hall library (published 3. May 2023)
Final project report of the SUPERBE study. Authors: H. Frey, A. Graser, U. Leth, F. Lorenz, A. Millonig, J. Müller, G. Richter, C. Rudloff, F. Sandholzer, G. Wieser
Article written for the 80th issue of dérive magazine on the history, qualities and potentials of Open Streets initiatives. Author: Florian Lorenz
This chapter explores how the transformation of streets into sustainable and liveable public spaces can be expedited and made more efficient. New urban imaginaries and narratives that integrate small steps for success can foster streets as public spaces that are built in participatory and co-creative projects. Authors: Florian Lorenz and Joshua Grigsby
Download the full Agora Policy Paper "Rethinking Urban Public Spaces"